
Inflationistas Find an Unexpected Ally In...

... LiLo! That's right, Lindsay Lohan! Here's what you can read on her twitter accountHave you guys seen food and gas prices lately? U.S. $ will soon be worthless if the Fed keeps printing money!

If there is one guy I don't want siding with me is Jim Cramer. But hey, come on guys, if you are an inflationist or even worse, a hyper-inflationist, you should really reconsider.


Tiho said...

No we shouldn't. We have Bernanke on our side. Soon everyone will slowly realize that the US is printing money, not just those following financial markets.

Barley anyone on this planet owns Gold or Silver. Even less own Sugar or Wheat. The whole world, on the other hand, is flooded with US Dollars. Trillions and trillions worth. When more and more citizens realize what is happening, they will panic. They did this in late 1880s, late 1910s, in late 1940s, in late 1970s and soon in late 2010s

That is when the commodities will go through the roof and turn into a massive bubble. You need to study history my friend, this is the way it has always happened, and will always happen. Humans keep repeating their mistakes.

When I hear your blog talking about the end of the US Dollar and huge inflation, that is when I will sell my commodities. As that other comment was made early, it is so true that you are the ultimate contrarian deflationist indictaor. Hahahaha!

pej said...

Dude, how do you explain the deflation in the 1929s and in Japan since the peak of their credit bubble?

And what do you mean by "As that other comment was made early, it is so true that you are the ultimate contrarian deflationist indictaor" ?